Crafting Your Birth Preferences / $90
I firmly believe that everyone can benefit from a good discussion about birth options and preferences. A Crafting Your Birth session is the perfect opportunity to create or expand on this.
Over the course of a few hours, we will discuss options, desires, hopes, and expectations along with ways to integrate then into your birth wishes. When faced with decisions during childbirth, you will be able to reference our discussion.
Even those who choose not to put these preferences to paper can benefit from having worked through your options and questions. By the end of our time together, you will be able to create a simple yet concise document that you can share with your care provider.
For two weeks after your session, you’ll have access to phone and email support for any further questions or clarification.
*This class is already included in all labor support packages. Clients booking doula services after a session will receive a discount of birth support.